Working in Madagascar (click icons for links)
Institute for the Conservation of Tropical Environments and Madagascar Institute for the Conservation of Tropical Environments![]() "Revealing the value of biodiversity through research, education and community outreach in tropical environments with a particular focus in Madagascar." ICTE is a non-profit organization which helps researchers, students, and volunteers conduct research in Madagascar.
Vatoharanana Field Site in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar![]() Vatoharanana is a bushcamp to the south of Centre ValBio which is composed of primary rainforest and at least 11 lemur species. This link (click on the image) provides detailed information about the site and how to prepare to conduct research there.
Centre ValBio, Ranomafana, Madagascar![]() Centre ValBio (CVB) is a research station at Ranomafana National Park. CVB facilitates research and manages several projects including development, reforestation, and biodiversity monitoring. Through these projects and through working with conservation groups and researchers, the staff at Centre ValBio seek to improve the health and well-being of Malagasy people and the surrounding ecosystem.
Madagascar National Parks (MNP)![]() Since 1990, MNP (then ANGAP) has been "the national network of the national parks and reserves of Madagascar".
Maps: Talatakely, Vatoharanana, Valohoaka
Maps compiled by ICTE (scroll to bottom of linked page) GIS documents for the Ranomafana region compiled by Brian Gerber (Colorado State University), Belita Marine (Virginia Tech), Johny Randrianantenaina (Centre ValBio), and Dina Andrianoely (Centre ValBio). |
Organizations (click icons for links)
![]() "Sadabe is an NGO promoting research, conservation, and sustainable development at Tsinjoarivo, eastern Madagascar"
![]() "Madagascar Ankizy Fund (MAF) is a not-for-profit fund for the education and health care of Malagasy children. Its goal is to build schools and clinics in remote areas of the island." MAF builds schools and provides dental care, and is now working with Build Africa Schools.
![]() Graine de vie is dedicated to planting trees in northwestern Madagascar.
![]() "LCN (Lemur Conservation Network) connects over 50 organizations who are working to protect Madagascar’s unique lemurs from extinction with people worldwide who want to support the cause."
![]() "The mission of SIMPONA is to protect and research silky sifakas and their habitat while engaging local communities as partners. Currently, most of our work takes place in and around Marojejy National Park and the Makira Natural Park which are protected areas in northeastern Madagascar."
![]() "CPALI (Conservation through Poverty Alleviation International) protects nature through working with local people. We introduce farmers who have been economically displaced from parks and protected areas to new ways of earning income that invests them in habitat protection and helps them develop their own sustainable enterprise."
![]() "The main goal of GERP (Groupe d'étude et de recherche sur les primates) is to share knowledge and skills in order to preserve biodiversity for future generations. This organization is now comprised of researchers, teachers, students, founding members, donors and consultants."